Welcome to my world, where art and science converge to create meaningful change.

The project is inspired the triangle of society-art-science. Society gives us the reasons to work for change, art contributes with emotions and a deeper form of experience-based knowledge, while science helps us systematize to know what works and what does not. Through arts-based research and creative interventions, we create space for dialogue and change, with a focus on amplifying diverse voices. Our mission is to increase the impact of scientific research and contribute to a more just and inclusive society. 

Via Berlin

Via Berlin will develop artistic interventions – music theater pieces, a video installation, and a game – in co-creation with gender justice organization Emancipator and the consortium of academics. Via Berlin is an innovative art organization (rooted in the music theatre tradition) that brings art and science together to address societal challenges in order to permanently enhance paradigm shifts, increasing mutual understanding and empathy for other perspectives. Via Berlin develops interactive projects, training programs, and research initiatives that foster reflection, empathy and engagement with permanent impact. Via Berlin will be instrumental in planning , designing and executing the co-creation activities that lay the foundation for a joint framework in MEN4DEM aiming for a deeper understanding of the triangle arts – science – society and produce tools with lasting usability.

Contact: Dagmar Slagmolen


Emancipator is the only organisation in the Netherlands solely working on involving boys, men and masculinities in gender justice. Conversations about gender equality are usually focused on women and lgbtqia+ people, while the core of the issue is all too often in oppressive traditional masculinity norms. For real gender equality men need to change as well. Transforming masculinities means that men have to contribute to women's emancipation, and will liberate men from traditional masculinities. We work in different projects on the prevention of violent masculinities, promoting caring masculinities, and normalizing sexual and gender diversity. 

Contact: Jens van Tricht

'Creating space for small-step transformations'


Several social artistic interventions will be developed as part of the MEN4DEM project. Two new music theater pieces will be developed and performed – When Did You Leave and Rauw/ Rouw/ Raw. To intertwine live scientific research with artistic interventions, Via Berlin has created the S.C.R.I.P.T. Toolkit (Story Creation and Reflection Interactive Performance Toolkit) which is designed to enhance the interaction between audiences and performers, amplifying the impact of performances, social interventions, and educational programs. 

This toolkit consists of tailor-made context programs, training sessions, socio-artistic interventions, and a specially developed app. The app enables real-time data collection on audience reactions and engagement, ranging from their emotional responses to their feedback on specific questions and assignments. By actively involving the audience, we not only enrich the experience of the performance but also gain valuable insights that help us better understand and address societal issues.

The S.C.R.I.P.T. Toolkit can also be used to integrate impact measurement into interactive installations of LARP (Live Action Role Playing) sessions, where audience interactions are directly woven into the narrative. This creates a deeper connection between art and science, increasing emotional impact while simultaneously collecting and analyzing scientific data for further reflection and societal change.

We will fill this page with examples of the MEN4DEM artistic interventions.